Small Business Logo Design – How to Make the Most Out of Your Small Business Logo

Small business owners are often uneducated when it comes to logo designs and their role and importance in the operation of their business. In this guide about small business logo design we will answer common questions, look at small business logo design pitfalls, talk about how to find a logo design company and how to promote your new small business logo design.

Why You Need a Logo Design for Your Small Business

There are many reasons that your small business must have a logo design. Below we’ve outlined a few of the common pitfalls small business owners fall into when thinking about logo design.

Pitfall #1-Cost: My small business can’t afford a logo design, I’m just starting out.

With the internet logo design is more affordable and cheaper than it ever has been. There are dozens of companies that will design logos for your small business for under $200. You might even know someone that does logo design that would be willing to design a logo for your small business for even less or free. Don’t let high costs be an excuse for not having a logo. The return you will get from having a logo over the long run will far exceed the cost to create it. You can always revise it overtime as your business grows.

Pitfall #2-Selection: I can’t get the perfect logo design for my small business, so I’ll wait until later when I can.

Many small business owners don’t want to settle for anything less than the perfect logo design for their business. Almost every logo goes through revisions over time and this is all part of the process. Get a logo that is professionally designed and represents your company well and start using it. As time goes on and your business grows, you can have your logo further revised to fit your business better.

Pitfall #3-Necessity: My small business is just starting out; I really don’t need a logo design.

Just about every business starts small. Microsoft started with just one person: Bill Gates. McDonald’s started with one restaurant. Many of the companies you recognize today started small and could have used the excuse that they didn’t need a logo but what would McDonald’s be without the golden arches? What would Nike be without the swoosh? As stated before, you can always revise your logo as time goes on, but at least start with something.

Small Business Logo Design Principles

There are four logo design principles to follow for small business: simple, versatile, memorable and relevant. These logo design principles are universal, not just for small businesses. Read more about leveraging these four logo design principles.

Finding a Logo Design Company for Your Small Business

Your logo. Your letterhead. Your business cards. Your marketing. They all represent you and your small business. Appropriately designed, they will communicate to your customers that your small business is reputable, reliable, and professional. Your small business image is enhanced by a quality logo design that is unique and memorable. Your logo is the foundation of your brand. Read the Nine Qualities of the Best Logo Design Firms.

Promoting Your New Small Business Logo Design

Once you have a professional logo design for your small business, you’re ready to start branding your new logo design. The most essential places to utilize your small business logo first are on your business cards, letterhead, website, products and business location. These are great places to start using your logo design to gain recognition from your customers. As time goes on you’ll want to utilize your small business logo design in a variety of ways. Read about ways to successfully brand your new small business logo design.

Small Business Logo Design Secrets

Although these secrets are surprisingly simple, you’d be amazed at how few of small business owners use these logo design secrets to promote their business.

Have a Logo Design For Your Small Business

By simply having a logo design for your small business you are doing better than a majority of small business owners and have a head start in marketing your business. Whatever it takes, make sure you have a logo design that represents your business well.

Use Your Small Business Logo Everywhere

By using your small business logo design everywhere, you will get your name out faster and better than most other small businesses. Actively using your logo design on your website, business cards, letterhead, products, business location, apparel and other items you will be achieve a snow ball effect in marketing your business.

Don’t be Afraid to Revise Your Logo Design

Finally, as time goes on, don’t be afraid to revise your small business logo. That doesn’t mean scratching your logo and starting over (although that may be necessary in some cases), just make slight revisions to improve your identity. Hire a professional if you weren’t able to at first and have them evaluate your logo and give you suggestions. Many small business owners have a logo and use it everywhere, but they refuse to make changes to it because they or someone close to them designed it or they’re afraid because they don’t want to change the company image.

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Johnny Flash Productions

Johnny Flash Productions is a creative agency based outside of Washington D.C. that focuses on digital strategy, web design and development, graphic design and event production that helps businesses get better results from their marketing.